A Christmas Peril 2022
on December 6, 2022
Act 1:
The snow has begun to fall, but it's still business as usual for the residents of Springfield, as nearly every year is declared "the storm of the century" these days. A blockbuster sale at Costington's gets the residents out in force, and even the normally dour Mr. Costington finds himself smiling at the sales numbers. But when the weather reports turn even darker, the residents of Springfield finally start barricading themselves in their homes, and he finds himself with shelves full of unsold merchandise and ledgers full of red. But a mysterious investor reaches out and makes an offer that he truly can't refuse – he'll maintain full control and the store will keep its name, and he'll be able to stay afloat through the season. And finally, as the snow looks to start falling even faster, Springfield Elementary is finally closed, leaving Bart ecstatic and Lisa forlorn.
Trigger Character(s) - Character(s) who start the event:
• Intro quests will auto-trigger for any player at or above level 15.
• Characters who are used to earn event currency in Act 1:
o Homer
o Lisa
o Bart
o Marge
o Moe
o Ned
o Milhouse
o Wiggum
o The Ghost of Christmas Past
o Mr. Costington
o Mr. Plow (Skin for Homer)
o Plow King (Skin for Barney)
o Ebenezer Burns (Skin for Mr. Burns)
o Old Man Winter
Act 1 Start & End Time: 2022-12-07 14:01 UTC to the end of the event: 2023-01-11 14:00 UTC
Main Prize Track Items:
• Put Up Lights (Animated Job for Homer)
• Santa's Tavern (Façade for Moe's Tavern)
• A Christmas Peril Mystery Box Token
• Christmas Costington's (Façade for Costington's)
• Snow Day Bart (Skin for Bart)
Premium Items:
• MTX OFFER – Dodgeball Skinner + Nibbles (Skin + Pet + 132 Donuts)
o Date Available: 12/07 – 01/11
o Cost: $9.99
• Geriatric Snowman & Old Man Winter (Decoration & Character)
o Date Available: 12/07 – 01/11
o Cost: 150 Donuts
o Notes: Earns event currency for Acts 1 - 4
Dimension: 384 x 384
File Size: 51.4 Kb
6 people like this.
Starts tomorrow! ♡
For some reason I thought the event had already started and that we were on act 3 already :joy:
Thanks, Brooders.
Thanks Broodykins :heart: