Treehouse of Horror XXXIII = IT!
Really hope we can put this on a lake!
Dimension: 1302 x 1006
File Size: 567 Kb
7 people like this.
You can see a couple of cheat bridges in this post-nuke post . . .
I can't remember what to do?
How is the rebuilding going???
You need something big in inventory. Huge helps but bigger than a ground tile and keep repeating one tile at a time would work. Place the new item where you want it to be but just on grass. Pull an item out of storage and place over the new item where you want ground tiles so it has the outline in r...View More
I got so far and decided I didn't like it so I made changes and then decided I didn't like that either so I'm just dumping event stuff and getting anyone I need for an event out of storage while I try and come up with a new plan, maybe in another 3 months . . .
Graham you need to begin with a map grid. I pencilled my design areas on paper before splitting it up into different themed areas. Of course at the time there was a lot less land so my main Simpsons street looks packed. In fact my whole town is packed however I am happy with the overall plans. You c...View More
I got plans and rough locations for themed stuff - if it fits as I hope - but I wanted to build a town that resembles a real town as the core of the redesign. Once that's done and I'm happy I'll do the "out of town" bits :smile: I'm also happy to leave anything or anyone stored if it doesn't suit my...View More
It's a bold move to try for a *real* town. Look forward to it and ... Good luck! ☆
Well in the sea it goes