Treehouse of Horror XXXIII = IT!
Act 3:
Unfortunately for Lisa and Edgar Allan Poe, Mopey Mary is more interested in running around and enjoying the festivities than scaring anyone. An alarmed Helen Lovejoy recruits Father Ben to exorcise the child, but the good priest is easily confused and can’t figure out who he’s supposed to exorcise exactly. Bart laughs at Lisa and Poe, and, with a little help from Sky Finger, summons the true master of horror: H.P. Lovecraft! Lovecraft and Poe immediately start bickering over who’s the best when Mopey Mary shows back up to tell them about a zombie invasion at the edge of town.
Act 3 Start & End Time: 2021-10-30 14:01 UTC to the end of the event: 2021-11-16 14:00 UTC
Trigger Character(s) - Character(s) who start the event:
• Intro quests will auto-trigger for any player at or above level 5.
• Characters who are used to earn event currencies in Act 3:
o Homer
o Marge
o Bart
o Lisa
o Milhouse
o Wiggum
o Skinner
o Krusty
o The Headless Horseman
o Edgar Allan Poe
o H.P. Lovecraft
Prize Track Items:
• Father Ben (Character)
• Crate and Burial (Building)
• Springfield Forever Cemetery (Decoration)
• Ghost Cemetery (Decoration)
• Luxury Crypt (Building)
Premium Items:
• GIL PROMO – Spooky Dark Plunger Bundle (Decoration & Four New Halloween Façades – tapping the plunger will toggle all the Halloween/horror-themed façades in your land)
o Date Available: 10/30 – 11/16
o Cost: 150 Donuts
• H.P. Lovecraft & Fogburyport (Building & Character)
o Date Available: 10/30 – 11/16
o Cost: 150 Donuts
o Notes: Earns event currency for Acts 3-4
Dimension: 286 x 440
File Size: 57.64 Kb
6 people like this.
On a happier note, the Zombie Sandwich Bin showed up in my Yearbook! Just wish thEAy would fix the Zombie NPCs glitch so I could get the two I’m missing.
I love the zombie sandwich animations!
Thanks Brooders.
FoxyHands Where's the fun in always knowing where things are? :laughing:
Thanks, Brooders.
The house decorations would of been better at the start of the event
Agreed! Bit late in the season isn't it!
Yes, I thought its a bit late
FoxyHands that BigPhil and his shenanimoos :grinning: