Treehouse of Horror XXXIII = IT!
Act 2:
Edgar Allan Poe is fascinated by this future world where Halloween is celebrated with such enthusiasm. Much to Lisa’s chagrin, Poe embraces the present and embarrasses himself trying to fit in while also getting sick on Halloween candy. After composing himself, Poe decides Lisa was right and that these people need a good dose of terror to straighten them out, so he summons…Mopey Mary!
Act 2 Start & End Time: 2021-10-21 14:01 UTC to the end of the event: 2021-11-16 14:00 UTC
Trigger Character(s) - Character(s) who start the event:
• Intro quests will auto-trigger for any player at or above level 5.
• Characters who are used to earn event currencies in Act 2:
o Homer
o Marge
o Bart
o Lisa
o Milhouse
o Wiggum
o Skinner
o Krusty
o The Headless Horseman
o Edgar Allan Poe
Prize Track Items:
• Spine Chills (Building)
• Jack-o-lantern Bouncy House (Decoration)
• Spook House (Building)
• Toilet-Papered Flanders House (Façade)
• Mopey Mary (Character)
Premium Items:
• Edgar Allan Poe & The House of Usher (Building & Character)
o Date Available: 10/21 – 11/16
o Cost: 150 Donuts
o Notes: Earns event currency for Acts 2-4
Dimension: 780 x 1642
File Size: 148.7 Kb
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Thanks Brooders Broodykins :heart:
*feeling bad because I forgot* Thank you Brooders!
Thanks, Brooders. :smile: