on August 26, 2022
These are my lovely smooshies, Barry and Doris. One is having health problems and the other who never likes cuddles suddenly is reluctantly happy for one. Does he know that the inevitable is coming or has he just grown as a bunny?!?
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
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It's amazing what animals can sense but I reckon just follow FoxyHands advice
Hi Barry and Doris! :heart:
FeliciaFirestarterFancy it could just be that the reluctant cuddler is just now opening up to the cuddles - sometimes animals just grow emotionally after what seems like a super long time. I had a budgie that was a grumpy nipper for years, but then all of the sudden he became super social and sweet ...View More
(Also, sending bunny healing vibes… and some bunny snuggles for you :heart:)
Ooooo and please tell Doris I’m still using the banana hat pic as my background on my home page here :grinning:
Oooo and one more thing - they are both super cute! :heart:
BunnyMeows or it saw you cooking chicken one day…
Oh how I wish my allergies would allow me to have bunnies.
Good advice Touks :heart: Lol that’s funny BunnyMeows I did torment Barry for a couple of months by wrapping him up in a blanket like a burrito to give him horrible medication, that probably didn’t help with trust issues but yes maybe he is finally over it :smile: Thanks for the hugs and I will let ...View More
I had to birdie burrito my brother’s budgie when he was staying with me a couple of weeks ago (he’s not used to being handled, and he decided to go on an adventure in my living room and dining room when I was cleaning his cage… and I had to catch him with a cloth). He defo wasn’t happy about it at t...View More