Bunny Meows: Tank Killer
on August 17, 2022
Part 3
Brooders called out with the sensation of enjoyment. So Bunny steadied the Bazooka on her shoulder and squinted one beady little rabbit eye down the sights.
Now, rabbits eat lots of bacon carrots and every child knows that bacon carrots do your eyesight a power of good, so of course Bunny did not miss.
Whooomph! Ka-Woooommmbbbb! The AP shell from the Panzerfaust slammed square into the cowling of the Tiger’s twin back Mayback HL 700hp engines, sending fuel cascading everywhere!
“Take that for putting my father in a pie, you sad little hacking twit!” exalted Bunny and gave a little rabbity hop for joy.
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:joy: :joy: :joy: :grinning: