on August 13, 2021
Act 2 targets, cash tasks and "Can Earn" details
Cash Tasks :
➧ Prize 1
Make Homer Plug His Ears - 4h
Make Noir Homer Be Confused and Horrified - 4h
➧ Prize 2
Make Homer Drink Poison Beer - 4h
Make Noir Homer Partake - 4h
Make Evil Godmother Burns Poison Everyone - 4h
➧ Prize 3
Make Noir Homer Chase Down the Evil Godmother - 4h
Make Homer Take a Few Pumpkin Seeds for the Road - 4h
➧ Prize 4
Make Noir Homer Facepalm - 4h
Make Homer Grab Some Giant Grapes for the Road - 4h
Make Princess Jules Sic Her Unicorn on Homer - 4h
➧ Prize 5
Make Homer Text a "Thank You" to Number 1 - 4h
Make Noir Homer Try to Figure Out the Seat Belt - 4h
Characters that can earn are :
8 Freemium characters earning 5 a time
➧ Homer
➧ Marge
➧ Bart
➧ Lisa
➧ Mr. Burns
➧ Smithers
➧ Lenny
➧ Carl
2 New Premium characters earning 8 a time
➧ Noir Lisa
➧ Evil Godmother Burns
Dimension: 811 x 478
File Size: 27.47 Kb
6 people like this.
I'd be tempted to rush a Premium for prize 1 and 3 . . . 4 sprinkles saves a lot of mucking about juggling characters and splitting tasks. Still not finished act 1 in either town, so I'm splitting people that way instead - at least for now.
Thanks, Graham-S :grinning: