on April 21, 2022
Hi team TOUK ♡♡♡
A very close friend reminded me of how much I love this place and you all so I wanted to pop by and say hello to all my friends here. I didn't realise how much I miss you all until it was pointed out that you might be missing me too. I didn't want to worry any of you. I am getting back to my *normal* self. Back at work and hopefully an even line of emotion now. Thank you all so much for your kind messages of support. In the words of Arnie Swarzenwhatshisfacenegger ... "I'll be back!"
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Glad to hear you're feeling better, Brooders. We do miss you here, but we understand you need to take care of yourself. *big hugs* ❤
Wot Katbird said - we’re looking forward to seeing you here again. Take care! *More hugs* ❤️
*Give Brooders all of FoxyHands pancakes I stole* :heart:
*tases Castiel until he vomits, then tases him again for good measure, then uses him to play Whack-A-Rac*
*ginormous hugs for Broodykins* :heart: :heart: :heart: ^^^what Katbird said - we luv and miss you, but defo get that it’s important for you to take care of yourself too :heart: :heart: :heart:
If you don’t stay Then we couldn’t get in your wa-aaaaaaay So don’t go, and you’ll know All the silliness that your TOuk-ies conve-eeeeey And weeeee will always love Broooooooo We will always love Brooooooooo Pancake-sweet memories And the plots made by Sue and Nelllllllly! Broody-pie, please don&...View More
I comprehend deeply what you are going through. (Been there done that) Anytime you need to talk, I’m here, and I can truly say I know what you’re going through.
* hugs * :smile:
*sings I will always love you too* :heart: I’m glad that you are feeling better Brooders but know that I love you when you are up and down and this way and that way and just anyway :heart: