on November 9, 2024
Katbird - this is what you're looking for -
Dimension: 228 x 176
File Size: 36.63 Kb
2 people like this.
Thanks, Graham-S.
I found the mansion. It turns out I had it in storage ,but hadn't built it. So I took it out and rushed the build and I still didn't get Water Baron Burns. Weird.
It's a skin not a character - check Mr Burns when he's next free or the Characters section of the store in case you have to tap to unlock it for use
^^ Inventory, not the buy-it store - ooops !!
I checked both and had no luck. Oh well, nothing to do about it with the game ending in a couple of months. I got all but 4 so not bad. Thanks for the help, Graham-S. :)
Store the building now it's completed then pop to the Friends Towns bit and back before checking for characters in inventory instead of hunting for the building
That didn't work either. I'm thinking maybe it's a glitch because I had the building, but didn't build it at the time.
Last thing to try - store whatever bit of the power plant stores Burns as well as that mansion then try mixing up the order you put 'em back,. Try mansion back first then burns back first. Head to the Friends Towns bit with every change to get the game to reload and re-sync.
^^ drat, looks like the building and skin aren't linked - done as a bundle instead
^^ still might be worth storing Burns in case that does help