on November 2, 2024
Hi everyone! :D TOUK needs your help! In March next year, the licence for the site needs to be renewed. Phil and I have been discussing this, and are trying to figure out a way to keep this place going. We love hanging out with all of you! :) <3 It's not cheap, so we are inquiring to see if you can chip in toward the cost. :D The licence/fee to keep us exclusive is £100 - this is what is due in March. This will keep us licensed and exclusive for 2 years. :) Host Fees are £300, and last for 5 years. We are still looking into when this is due, and will let you know when we have that information. At this point, this is just a conversation to see what everyone thinks, and whether or not people are willing to pitch in. It’s totally fine if you can’t or don’t want to. :) We would be donating through the TOuk donation page. We can talk about this more later tho - how it works, and steps to make the most out of the donation. Once we have figured out what everyone wants to do, we will post any updates on this page. This will keep everything in one place so you can reference costs/dates/deadlines etc. Please let us know what you think in the comments. And ask questions if you’d like! Phil and I will do the best we can to answer anything you ask! :) Thanks for considering this, TOuks! :) Here is a cat to show our appreciation >^..^< Bunny and Cow :D
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You'll need to get Brooders on board as it's her site. It is possible Tim could do it, but as a last resort I'd be happy to contribute, if we all chipped in to pay for it.