on August 22, 2024
Have you spent the last 23 months wanting to do the Princess Opal quest task to Read Tarot Cards rather than have her Read Tarot Cards at the Tarot Table ?
If so I’m looking for as many affected players as possible to add their Me Too’s or Replies on the following AHQ thread so the Studio can see just how many of us still have this problem.
Log in there with the email and password for the affected game’s EA Account.
Posting on that AHQ thread rather than on here is the best bet to get it solved, unless you’re simply letting me know you’ve done it.
( theoriginalsteve - you know what to do :) )
Dimension: 1200 x 611
File Size: 64.8 Kb
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Cheers, Graham! I've added my comment and clicked the "me too" button
I just tested the questline again to be sure and it's still not registering completion.
Needs a code change - patch or the next update.
^^ be over 2 years next planned update
Told ya I'd get noisy ...
I’m still waiting for the evil chortle task for Kang and/or Kodos to be fixed - it was broken when they separated it from the Victorian UFO several years ago, and you can’t see them when they do the task - they hide behind things when doing it :/ It was one of my fav tasks before it was broke. :/